This Integrative Medicine / GP Practice brings together the best of Natural and Allopathic Medicine. Whilst providing all the services of a General Practitioner, Dr Rajen Cooppan brings the clinical experience of 40 years of Natural Medicine practice integrated with allopathic medicine.
In the 6 stages of the progression of a disease, the physician must be able to choose the correct treatment modality appropriate for the stage of the disease.
Allopathic medicine treats symptoms because in most instances the cause of a patient’s disease cannot be determined. Once a disease reaches stage 5, it can be diagnosed and labelled – but the treatment is still symptom directed.
Integrative medicine allows the physician to reverse the disease process by using the correct modality of treatment, which could be enzymes, micronutrients, macronutrients, herbs, nutraceuticals or functional therapeutic substances that can alter the fundamental, hormonal , metabolic or cellular health.
Dr Rajen Cooppan brings over 42 years of clinical experience as an Integrative Medicine Practitioner, to the benefit of his patients.
Dr Rajen Cooppan (MBChB,MD) qualified at the University of Natal Medical School in 1979. He subsequently trained in Nutritional, Functional and Herbal Medicine in Australia and did further training in Natural Medicine in India.
Allopathic Medicine can diagnose a disease mostly at stage 5 and perhaps late stage 4. Treatments are almost always based on managing symptoms (drugs are used).
Integrative or Functional Medicine manages and reverses the cause of disease across the 6 stages of the disease process.
Sometimes a combination of Allopathic and Integrative Medicine is required.